What types of batteries are being sold on the market? What is the difference?
There are usually two types of batteries on the market, they are disposable batteries and rechargeable batteries.Disposable batteries cannot be recharged for reuse and must be discarded when the charge is exhausted. Rechargeable batteries can be reused 2000+ times depending on how it is used. Rechargeable batteries usually include NiMH, NiCd and Li-ion batteries.
Are Batteries Affected By Temperature?
We recommend storing the battery in a dry environment at room temperature. Refrigeration of the battery is not recommended. Extreme heat or cold will reduce battery performance. You want to avoid keeping battery-powered devices in very warm places.
Can I Mix Old And New Batteries?
Do not mix old and new batteries. Doing so will reduce overall performance and may cause the battery to leak or rupture. We recommend replacing all batteries in a device.
Can I Recharge Any Battery?
Pay attention to the type of battery before charging it. Commercially available batteries are generally divided into rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries. You can only charge a battery if it is specifically marked "rechargeable". Charging a non-rechargeable battery may cause it to rupture or leak and may result in personal injury.
How Do I Clean Up After Battery Leak?
When cleaning up after a battery leak: Work in a well-ventilated area. Wear household gloves and glasses. Using a toothbrush or cotton swab, remove the battery from leaking at the electrical contacts. Make sure your electronic equipment is completely dry before trying to use a new battery. To avoid future problems, adopt the following practices:Do not mix different brands of batteries in the same device.Remove the battery from the device being stored.To clean any leaks from the following types of batteries, alkaline, NiCd, and NiMH, use one tablespoon of boric acid in one gallon of water, or an equal amount of diluted vinegar or lemon juice mixed with water (50/50 ratio).
Can I Take Battery Apart?
No. Do not dismantle batteries. When a battery is dismantled, contact with the components can be harmful and may cause personal injury or fire.